A photo of me, Joseph EarlJoseph Earl

Open to work

I'm open to new opportunities.


Through 13 years of professional experience in software delivery and leadership roles, I have found that good software is delivered through close customer collaboration and a happy workforce. Guided by the Lean and Agile philosophies, I continuously seek opportunities to learn and improve. My respect for people fosters an environment that fuels innovation, collaboration, and growth. I believe the ability to respond quickly to customer demands through clean, easily maintainable code and practices like DevOps and continuous deployment is the key to business success.


Principal Software Engineer @ Motability Operations

— Present

Leveraging Generative AI and Machine Learning to improve CX and drive efficiencies in customer support. Managing the technical delivery of and the team responsible for the Motability Scheme online account (React, micro frontends, Node.js, Java, Spring Boot, Quarkus) to over 700,000 customers.

  • Reduced call centre call wrap times by using AI to automatically summarise and categorise call notes
  • Introduced a process for managing vulnerabilities to the team, reducing the MTTR by 85% to <7 days
  • Improved monitoring and alerting for the team, reducing the number of alerts developers need to respond to each day by 80%
  • Set quarterly technical OKRs for the team, resulting in the modernisation of all frontend applications to React 18 and backend applications to Java 17 and latest Spring Boot/Quarkus major versions
  • Established an InnerSource programme for sharing code internally across Motability Operations, increasing the number of libraries created and shared

Principal Technical Consultant @ Waracle

Providing technical strategy and advice to some of the UK's most pioneering clean tech startups and largest financial services and energy providers.

  • Developed project proposals for clients, winning over £2M in new work
  • Created and shared white papers on technical topics such as GitOps, Developer Portals and Compliance as Code, building brand awareness

Lead Technical Consultant @ Thoughtworks

Leading teams to deliver large scale technology modernisation, capability development and digital product development for some of UK's leading brands.

  • Incrementally replaced a legacy monolithic B2B financial web application with a modern microservices (Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Kubernetes) and micro frontend (React, Node.js) architecture, reducing the time for key business processes from days to minutes
  • Introduced continuous delivery practices to a leading grocery chain, increasing deployment frequency from once a month to multiple times a day

Chief Technology Officer @ Lenio

Leading the technology function of an early stage FinTech startup to build out the technology capability and efficiently deliver cross-platform application prototypes (React, Ionic, Node.js) for further investment.

Head of Mobile @ Powa Technologies

Managing multiple native mobile teams (iOS, Objective-C, Swift, Android, Java, Windows Phone, C#) to deliver innovative omni-channel retail experiences and mobile payment solutions.

Lead Android Developer @ BirdGuides

Developing a native Android application for bird enthusiasts.


Management & Leadership

People first
Coaching & mentoring
Wellbeing & culture
Performance reviews
Lean management
Engineering management
Lean product management
Team modelling & financial forecasting
Job requirements
Technical leadership
Technical strategy
Solution selection

Practices & Techniques

Customer focused
Product engineering
Customer support
Incidents, On call
Analytics, Metrics, KPIs
Shifting left
TDD, TBD, Pair programming
DevSecOps, FinOps
Separation of deployment & release, Feature toggles
Testing in production
Continuous delivery
Continuous deployments
Infrastructure as code
Compliance as code
Inception, Discovery, Planning, Retrospectives, Standups
Event storming
Lightweight threat modelling


Java, TypeScript, C#, Kotlin, Swift, Scala, Bash, Willing to learn
Full stack
Backend: Spring, Quarkus, Express, ASP.NET Core
Responsive Web: React, Next.js, Astro
Mobile: iOS, Android
Evolutionary architecture
DDD, Micro services, Micro frontends, Mobile micro features, Serverless, Messaging, Stream processing
Cloud platforms
AWS, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker, Lambda
Production deployments
Monitoring & alerting
Blameless post-mortems
Operational excellence

Books that have influenced my thinking

Radical Candor, Managing for Happiness, Leaders Eat Last, Superteams, Lean Enterprise, Accelerate, Project to Product, Team Topologies, The Phoenix Project, The Goal, QED


MSci Theoretical Physics @ Imperial College London

Studying the universe and gravity with computational methods (C++, MATLAB).

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